Red Gulch Dinosaur Tracksite

May 2, 2019
revised: Sept. 19, 2020

Near Shell Wyoming, the Red Gulch Dinosaur Tracksite displays tracks of Jurassic period dinosaurs along the shore of an ancient sea.

Out in the Bighorn Basin lies the Red Gulch Dinosaur Tracksite. Located east of Shell on US Hwy 14 is the north end of the Red Gulch/Alkali Back Country Byway. This byway is one way to get to Red Gulch Dinosaur Tracksite, which is 5 miles off the main highway. It may also be reached by starting at the south end near Hyattville.

Two years after our first trip to the tracksite we returned but we did things a bit differently this time. Leaving from the south end of the byway at Hyattville about 8:00p.m. in a rugged pickup truck instead on the family mini-van, we arrived at the tracksite just after sunset. Being out in this vast, empty area to see the sunset and experience the night was very unusual.

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